A great concept, but does it succeed in practice? Read on for my Fun Factory Be-One Finger Vibrator review!
Fun Factory
Review: Fun Factory Sundaze Pulsating Vibrator
I haven’t reviewed a Fun Factory pulsating toy in 3 years (WUT?), and I’m excited to jump back in the saddle. Read on for my Fun Factory Sundaze review!
Review: Fun Factory LAYA II Clitoral Vibrator
Isn’t that shade of blue amazing? Read on for my Fun Factory LAYA II review!
Review: Fun Factory Manta Vibrating Penis Stroker
Pretty much the most amazing oral sex accessory ever. Read on for my Fun Factory Manta review!
Review: Fun Factory Stronic Surf Pulsator II
Have a weakness for texture? Fun Factory’s iconic line of self-thrusting pulsators keeps getting bigger, this time with the brand new Fun Factory Stronic Surf. Read on for my Fun Factory Stronic Surf review!
Review: Fun Factory Stronic Real Pulsator II
Looky here! The self-thrusting magnificent invention that is Fun Factory’s Stronic line has broken into the realism market with the new Fun Factory Stronic Real. Read on for my Fun Factory Stronic Real review!
Review: Fun Factory Stronic G Pulsator II Self-Thrusting Dildo
A little portable self-thrusting G-spot stimulator? How could I NOT want this. Read on for my Fun Factory Stronic G review!
Update to Fun Factory Amor Review
A little while ago, I reviewed the Fun Factory Amor in pink. Though I found the toy to be SUPER cute, I was irritated by its strange, gritty, uncomfortable surface. A few days after publishing the review, Fun Factory reached out to me to see if they could send me another Amor.
Review: Fun Factory Amor
Even if you don’t like pink… you’ve got to admit… this one is cute.
Review: Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion Pulsator
My only vibrator that can compete in races against wind-up toys.