Okay, so it looks a bit simplistic. But that’s the whole point.
About the Brand | Physical Details | How to Use | Shipping and Packaging | Our Experience | Overall
About the Brand
Whizworz, a company founded by two “avid masturbators,” is a self-proclaimed maker of lighthearted sex toys. Their first product, Fifi, is designed to be a no-frills, mess-free alternative to manual stimulation. I have to hand it to them — they certainly have come up with a low-tech, simplified male masturbator.
Update: Don’t buy from or support this company. >> This is why. << If you’d actually like a great price-comparative male sleeve from a solid brand, try out the Tenga Air Tech or the Fleshlight Quickshot.
Physical Details
The first part of this toy is the main body of the fifi — it’s a fabric rectangle lined with polyethylene foam padding. This fabric rectangle is rolled up to the tightness you desire, secured closed by the velcro strip on the outside. For a lack of a better word, all I can think of to describe this part of the toy is “towel,” but it isn’t really a towel — its velcro and foam padding makes it obviously ill equipped for a towel…

Dimensions in inches
Overall, the size of this toy should certainly accommodate most — if you’re longer than 7.25 inches, you’ll thrust out the other end, but this leaves everyone with a penis of under this size to remain snugly inside the whole time.
And notice the price — you can get it for $15.95 USD. As far as body-safe male masturbation sleeves go, this sounds very inexpensive (until you calculate the cost of sleeves).
The second part of this product is a disposable sleeve. This sleeve lies inside the rolled-up towel, which turns this object into a male masturbation sleeve. You receive 5 disposable sleeves when you purchase a fifi. More can be purchased separately in batches of 10, 20, or 50. This works out to between $0.84 to $0.95 each (the cheapest when you buy in bulk of 50).
The disposable nature of these sleeves means that (a) you’ll be able to just chuck it out after use like you would a condom, which is convenient; and (b) you need to keep buying them, which is inconvenient. At this point, you might notice that the price of the fifi stops looking so inexpensive because you’ll need to regularly invest in it. Depending on how much you masturbate (let’s say, 4x a week), you could be looking at $170 in sleeves over a 1-year period.
The sleeves aren’t exactly appealing or attractive, but they do technically function to get the job done. They’re untextured and perfectly smooth. They remind me of a large female condom (pictured above in a comparison shot). They’re stretchy, un-lubricated, and large enough to fold over the lip of the towel. It’s important to note that the sleeves are made from latex. So if you have allergies to latex, stay away.
How to Use
The main draw of the fifi, in my opinion, is that it’s easy to use and clean up, as pictured in a few steps below:
Once you’re done, you simply pull out the sleeve and chuck it out. You should be left with your fabric towel, completely clean. If you do manage to spill on the towel, you can remove the colored cover and hand wash it in cold water.
It’s important to note that you should only use water-based lubricant with these sleeves. Also, fifi warns to not try use these sleeves as regular condoms…they will not prevent STDs or pregnancies.
Shipping and Packaging
My order was shipped on August 18 and I promptly received it on August 25th. The fifi was packaged in a clear plastic tube. Inside the tube, I received the fifi, 5 disposable sleeves, and 5 packets of water-based lubricant.
Our Experience with the FiFi
Mr. Ruby and I were a bit skeptical. We wondered, exactly, just how good something like this could feel. Well, read on…
Okay, first for the cons.
We find that things with the fifi start off chilly. The reason for this is that the lube, once freshly applied, makes this toy really freaking cold at first. It’s only until you’ve got a thrusting movement going that it starts to warm up, but the first couple of moments of contact are met with yelps of “Aaagh, it’s cold!”
With things like a Fleshlight, you can just warm the fleshy body in a tub of warm water for about 20 minutes before use. With the fifi, however, this isn’t possible. To avoid a chilly start, the only option is to somehow warm the lubricant beforehand. We achieved some success by carefully rubbing the packets of lubricant in our hands to create friction heat before applying it to the disposable sleeve. You could also try throwing the packets of lubricant that they include into a bowl of warm water.
Once things get going, however, this chilly problem goes away. The foam core of the fifi helps to retain heat quite well, so once things are heated, they won’t go cold in a rush.
We experimented a bit with the “adjustable tightness” (AKA, a strip of velcro, which gives you some wiggle room in terms of adjustment). Mr. Ruby stuck to the least tight option — everything else was uncomfortable, he said, creating a sort of pinching effect. Mr. Ruby is slightly larger than average, so I’m guessing that larger men might experience a similar thing.
We also got hit with a strong balloon-scent when we opened the packet of the disposable sleeve, and the scent continued to linger. We eventually covered it up by using an apple-scented water-based lubricant, which we couldn’t do with the lubricant that comes along with the fifi. The balloon scent is due to that these disposable sleeves are made from latex. It’d be great if they used non-latex options like you find in condoms (polyurethane or polyisopren or natural materials), though I’m guessing those are quite a bit more pricey to produce.
Another issue we ran into was that the sleeve insert tended to get bunched up around Mr. Ruby’s shaft, meaning that when he tried to remove himself from the fifi, the sleeve flipped inside out and traveled outside with him. Obviously, this is a huge issue if there’s a ton of semen in there, as it would spill all over the user. We figured out that, to avoid this, we simply have to use a lot of lubricant (2 packs of the lubricant included did the trick).
What about the pros?
First, it’s light. Being made from fabric and latex, the fifi isn’t nowhere as heavy as something like the Fleshlight, which feels like a ton of bricks compared to this. I appreciate this, as it’s a lot easier for me to give Mr. Ruby a hand (the heavy Fleshlight tires my arms out pretty quick).
Second, obviously, is the mess-free clean up. After he’s done with it, Mr. Ruby simply has to pull out the attachment and throw it away. It’s beautifully simple, and this is a major plus. For anyone who has owned a Fleshlight, cleaning those things can be really annoying (and you have to constantly check to make sure it’s not growing moldy), so the fifi’s easy non-existent clean up is really refreshing.
Third, this toy is discreet. It’s hard to identify this as a sex toy. When it’s rolled up (without the insert), it just looks like a towel or a camping pillow. Much less obvious than a realistic male masturbator.
So how does it actually feel?
According to Mr. Ruby, it does feel better than using your hand. No, it doesn’t feel like any sort of sex, and it doesn’t feel as good as something more pricey like a Fleshlight or a Tenga 3D, but it’s at least better than your hand. Although it delivers totally smooth experience, in his words, it feels “better than [he] expected.” Once the lube warms up, it’s a snug and pleasant experience. Not mind blowing, but pleasant, and more of a novelty than using a hand.
Despite it feeling better than your hand, Mr. Ruby said that it seems like a lot of effort. It wasn’t anything like the “natural skin-like feel” advertised on the box, having to keep buying the sleeves is a downer, and he’s not sure that he personally would feel motivated to do that.
In short, he’s not totally convinced that it’s worth it. It almost seems simpler to roll up a towel with a female condom in it, then wrap it around with ducktape to the desired tightness.
Bottom Line
There are a couple of pros to this toy. It’s lightweight, it removes any clean up you’d need from a conventional male sleeve, and it feels better than using your hand.
Unfortunately, my partner and I aren’t sold on the idea. I think we’d be more keen on it if the sleeves were much much cheaper. At nearly $1 each, they turn a seemingly inexpensive toy into something that requires ongoing investment. After a year, the fifi turns into something that costs the same (or more) than a high-end male sleeve. Disposable sleeves with ongoing investments aren’t unheard of (thinking of the Tenga Eggs), but the physical pleasure in return for this investment isn’t as great as we would have hoped. For these reasons, we suggest you skip this one.
To buy the fifi, head on over here.
Update: Don’t buy from or support this company. >> This is why. << If you’d actually like a great price-comparative male sleeve from a solid brand, try out the Tenga Air Tech or the Fleshlight Quickshot.
Last Updated on March 14, 2020 by Miss Ruby