Hey folks!
Today is the third installment of this weekly series on Miss Ruby Reviews.
Every week, I read through newly-posted sex toy reviews and news about the industry. I love running this blog, and I love seeing what other great bloggers and companies are up to. There are soooo many reviews/articles out there that I admire, and I want all of you to see them too!
So, each Sunday, I highlight a few of my favourite reads from across the sex toy community or industry. I highlight sex toy reviews based on any number of reasons, such as for impressive detail, pretty photos, awesome personality, or for making me laugh. When something catches me eye, I also throw in a link about new toys or other miscellaneous sex blog articles. If I missed a totally fabulous article/review that you think should be up here, let me know. I encourage you all to check out these reviews/articles, leave them a comment, and let them know what you think!
This week’s line-up:
1. Article: Deviant Kitten’s thoughts on our culture’s expectations around virginity
- “… I have not lost anything. If anything, I have learnt more about myself. My sexuality is just another part of me. A part of me that will change and grow and will always be there. I didn’t lose anything.…”
- I recommend because….Wonderful ideas about what it means in our culture when we lose our virginity
- Read the full article
2. Review: Erocentric’s thoughts on the L’amourose Paramour
- “…The Paramour is a 3-in-1 sex toy set for (primarily heterosexual) couples, created by the luxurious L’amourose…”
- I recommend because….lots of thorough, detailed info
- Read the review
3. Review: Frisky’s thoughts on the Revel Body Sol
- “…The idea behind the Revel Body SOL really interested me and I couldn’t be more excited when the opportunity to try it was offered.…”
- I recommend because….lovely photos.
- Read the full review
4. Review: Krissy Novacaine’s thoughts on the Exotic-Erotics Orc
- “… I have my very own Uruk-hai from the Lord of the Rings. Girthy, custom, and nerdy? Yea, this is perfect…”
- I recommend because….it’s a post with the perfect amount of nerdiness in it
- Read the full review
Thanks for checking out these awesome people! Come back next Sunday for more recommendations!
Last Updated on September 8, 2017 by Miss Ruby